Monday, June 23, 2014


Two walk about in Panti forest. A fun and exciting place. You never know what to expect.

Saturday, June 7, 2014


Last week. One of the morning I woke up and saw this!

My first reaction is wow! Just had to take out my camera and shoot.....

This is a 5 shot HDR. With some post processing ....


Some shots of the lovely birds found in Panti Forest.

Rufous Backed King Fisher

Rufous Backed King Fisher

Red Bearded Bee Eater

Buff Rumped Woodpecker

RARE BIRDs Found in SIngapore (March Backdated)

For the past few days, there had been a big rush to the Chinese Garden. A Band Bellied Crake was found there. This is supposed to be a rare bird. Understand that this is the first sighting in singapore!

Created a big wave in the birding community. Throes of photographers rushed there. Lucky this bird wasn't the shy type. Gave everyone an opportunity to shoot.

Pulau Ubin (APR)

Haven't been posting here for the past 3 months. Was so engrossed in shooting birds. Lots and lots of them.

Was also a little busy on the work front so that's life.

Anyway, though I haven't posted here doesn't mean I haven't been shooting.

Here's some of the more interesting shots I have done these couple of months.

Baby tailorbird.

Here's a shot of the fledging tailorbird. This is shot in April. The little one seems like fell out of the nest. Probably trying out it's wings but it still isn't really able to fly.

Another shot of the little one calling out to it's parents for food.

White Rumped Shama

A shot of the White Rumped Shama. It's a lovely bird. Saw it at Chek Jawa entrance. Always jumping around the area.

Magpie Robin

Scarlet Backed Flowerpecker

All these and more are found in Ubin. Really a lovely place to go for a short walk.

Purple Throated Sunbird

The purple Throated Sunbird. One of the less seen birds. It's still quite common around just that it's skittish and might not be in the breeding colors all the time.

If I have more time, would walk around Ubin more ... Tiring but fun.